Archive for the 'in English please !' Category

Don’t shoot ! don’t shoot !

Thursday, November 9th, 2006

Israel’s ambassador Daniel Shek has been convoked this morning to the French Foreign Affairs ministry, to discuss about Lebanon, where situation has worsen between Israeli planes and French FINUL forces. The convocation has come from both ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs. This happens after the latest case where French troops were more than willing […]

We must stand up to the creeping tyranny of the group veto

Monday, November 6th, 2006

Sorry, this comes a bit late, but I haven’t found before anybody saying it this well. Sit down, relax, read and enjoy ! The arguments around animal rights, Danish cartoons, Livingstone and Irving have more in common than you think Timothy Garton Ash Thursday March 2, 2006 Guardian It was a bright cold day in […]

Fighting Spam again

Monday, November 6th, 2006

For the blog, I use Akismet. It works great. But for my webcounter ??? not easy at all. So far I though it would be enough to get the list of spammers who tried to leave a comment but were block with Akismet. That was without something even funnier : some of those spammers don’t […]

Update 1.1

Saturday, November 4th, 2006

As announced earlier, I’ve reset my own webcounter, since I’ve been doing a lot of tests on it, and it has put a lot of sh*t in my database :) I’ve changed a bit the code of the page showing the results, so that I can use wildcards while filtering bots. Very useful. Now I’m […]

Great Britain is just waiting for Big Brother to come

Thursday, November 2nd, 2006

Pour les Francais, vous pouvez lire cette depeche : Le : La Grande-Bretagne devient une “société sous surveillance” rapport Et chez nous, qui le dira officiellement ? Big Brother is watching you ! And like in the book, it happens in the UK. There are nowadays, 4.2 million cameras in Great Britain, this is […]

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