4th November 2006

Update 1.1

As announced earlier, I’ve reset my own webcounter, since I’ve been doing a lot of tests on it, and it has put a lot of sh*t in my database :)

I’ve changed a bit the code of the page showing the results, so that I can use wildcards while filtering bots. Very useful. Now I’m trying to find a way to get IP addresses from this anti-spam plugin, so that I can remove them from the results. It’s too slow to make it by hand.
Talking about bots and spams, I need to work on customised bot list for users. So far, everybody would be using mine. Not that it matters for now, I seem to be my only “customer” :) But I want to make things right.

I’ve made a lot of progress with stats, and many graphics are available. I’m now working on keywords from search engines.
When I’ll be finished, I’ll take a few screenshots and make a nice doc for it.

Alright, it’s late now, I’m kinda dead, good night !

This entry was posted on Saturday, November 4th, 2006 at 3:45 and is filed under in English please !, Khrys WebCounter, programmation. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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