Archive for the 'coup de gueule' Category

Gordon Brown, a traitor to the UK ?

Friday, October 19th, 2007

The Sun, among other newspapers in the UK, has published a very hard article about Prime Minister Brown signing the Lisbon treaty. Not that I read that paper often (actually, I went there because it was mentioned somewhere else), it usually is a stack of crap, but it seemed to sum up the thoughts of […]

Martti Ahtisaari corrupted ??? I don’t think so …

Thursday, June 28th, 2007

And if he is, then there is no hope for this world … Common, Finland is known for being the least corrupted country in the world ! it is in Finns’ genes not to accept bribes ! Anybody who visited Finland will tell you : people here are way too honest ; they can’t even […]

Qu’est-ce qu’on s’en bat !!!

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

Parfois, la mauvaise foi m’ecoeure. Je lisais le Monde (oui, je sais, encore de la pub), et en particulier cet article : Nicolas Sarkozy fixe les grands objectifs de son mandat. Je ne ferais pas de commentaire sur cet article, mais sur les notes laissees par les abonnes. N’etant pas moi-meme abonne, je ne puis […]

Palestine …

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

Hamas got basically kicked out of the government, and will have to face Israel forces soon. How did we get there ? One possibility is that it wasn’t planned, but as some might say : “It was to happen”. Palestine wasn’t getting any financial help since Hamas won the elections, putting pressure on the region, […]

Vivement un peu plus de proportionnalité …

Monday, June 11th, 2007

… à l’Assemblée Nationale. Si on regarde les résultats présentés par le Monde, outre le nombre hallucinant d’abstention (il leur en faut combien pour annuler le tout ???), je vous propose de comparer les scores des deux centres. Le “Nouveau centre” (PSLE), fait 2% au niveau national, et ils sont sur le point d’obtenir plus […]

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