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  • Elämä Lapselle concert and Ari Koivunen

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Elämä Lapselle concert and Ari Koivunen

Thursday, September 13th, 2007

It’s been a while I haven’t posted … All apologies ! a lot of work and even more laziness and lack of motivation lately are my excuses :-/ Don’t worry, I’m preparing a few articles. I was at a concert tonight in Helsinki, a charity kind of concert called “Elämä Lapselle”, for an organization called […]


Friday, July 6th, 2007

No, it isn’t the name of a fort ;) but that of a monastery. Not just any, actually, Valamo is the only orthodox monastery in the Nordics. You won’t find very old buildings there, because they used to live in that part of Karelia (Karjala) annexed by Russia during WWII, and had to move and […]

Sur la route de … Savonlinna

Wednesday, July 4th, 2007

It is really not my first trip there, but I realized I didn’t say much about this very nice place yet … First, about getting there (from Helsinki). I have tried a few roads, but I think the most pleasant and least busy (perhaps this is related), is the one that consists of going towards […]

Sur la route de … Kitee, FI

Monday, June 11th, 2007

Spending the weekend in the East part of Finland, near Kitee, I took a few pictures around the summer cottage we stayed at (it belongs to my girlfriend’s uncle). Like most summer cottages in Finland, it is lost in the nature, next to a lake, with no neighbour close by. I like this one very […]

Suomen Itsenäisyyspäivä

Saturday, December 9th, 2006

It was on the 6th of December, and it was a day off. But this year, while others were enjoying a rest and some warm Glöggi perhaps, I was doing overtime and drinking strong coffee … Too much work these two past week ! Luckily it is Friday evening, and I finished all that work […]

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