29th May 2007

Qu’est-ce qu’on attend ?

Je suis tombe par hasard sur ce clip d’NTM, qui commence a dater, mais qui finalement reste tant d’actualite (comme beaucoup de leurs chansons).

J’ai trouve ca marrant, j’avais presque oublie l’intro (qui n’est pas sur le disque, seulement sur la video), et qu’on censure pas seulement les injures, mais aussi des mots simples comme “bruler”, a cause du contexte …

Si la nostalgie vous prend, you tube a ceci de bien qu’un grand nombre de clips du meme groupe peut etre trouve juste a cote, dans la rubrique “Related”.

Tiens, je vous mets celui-la en bonus …

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28th May 2007

Orwell didn’t speak about drones …

… but the Brits made quite a breakthrough in state-surveillance. You probably heard about those, but in case you didn’t, here are a couple of articles to catch up : in the Associated Press and in the BBC. Note that the BBC doesn’t show a picture of the drone, but of the army “version” of it.

As I mentionned before, UK is already quite good at surveilling people at the price of privacy. Police thought they didn’t have enough cameras yet, so they ordered those new drones, equipped with night vision cameras, “to monitor large crowds and to gather evidence from major incidents or areas blighted by anti-social behaviour“. Now we just have to wonder what means anti-social behaviour and we are in a enhanced Orwell system … C’mon Brits, don’t accept this ! burn those cameras, shoot these stupid flies ! and remember that nothing is more valuable than your own privacy !

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25th May 2007


Cher lecteurs !

Mon tres cher ami Alex a ouvert un nouveau blog, discutant d’organisation et d’efficacite au quotidien. Inspire de la vague du “lifehack” et fort de son experience de voyageur sachant s’adapter aux endroits les plus improbables (il habite a present Madagascar, mais il a habite au moins 4 pays), Alex nous propose mille et une facons d’ameliorer notre vie grace a differents outils, methodes et idees.
Principalement ecrit dans la langue de Moliere, il se met doucement a ecrire egalement dans celle de Shakespeare.

Cher Alex, je te souhaite, a toi et a ton site, bonne chance et bon courage !

posted in Blogroll, news | 2 Comments

25th May 2007


Dear readers, this post is an advert. But a useful one !

My very good friend Alex opened a new blog, talking about organizing and efficiency on a day-to-day basis. Inspired by the life-hack studies, and strong of his experience of adapting to new places to live (he know lives in Madagascar, but has lived in at least 4 countries), Alex gives 1000 and 1 ways to improve your life through tools or ideas.
Mainly in French for now, he slowly starts to also publish articles in English, just for your eyes :)

Dear Alex, I wish you and your new blog, good luck and “bon courage” !

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20th May 2007

Encore sur la route …

I just came back from a trip in what Finnish people call “middle Europe” … We have been visiting the Schwarzwald (Black Forest, Germany), south Alsace (north-east France), Konstanz (south Germany) and its area (north Switzerland), Vaduz (Liechtenstein), the Tyrol (west Austria), the Neuschwanstein castle (south Germany), and Salzburg (Austria).

Hectic trip, especially in a week time, but it was a truly amazing one, with breathtaking landscapes, varied and excellent food, wine and beer. Wonderful !

I hope those humble pictures can give a slight idea how great it was :)

Baden-Baden, DE, city center   Baden-Baden, DE, cute old couple with their car   Baden-Baden, DE
Schwarzwald, DE   Schwarzwald, DE   Alsace, FR, vineyards
Alsace, FR, terrasse with view over the valley   Konstanz, DE   Vaduz, LI
Tyrol, AT, gates   Tyrol, AT, valley   Tyrol, AT, river
Tyrol, AT, schlosse   Tyrol, AT, breakfast   Tyrol, AT, peaceful lake
Tyrol, AT, when the trees try to grow bigger than the mountains   Neuschwanstein castle, DE, view from the mountain   Alpen Strasse, DE, blue river
Alpen Strasse, DE, blue lake   Salzburg, AT, Mirabell Garten   Salzburg, AT, city center

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