Archive for the 'programmation' Category

khrystube is now online

Thursday, December 11th, 2008

I wanted to put it online for 3 years, but it was at first really crap. Then I made a version for my workplace, suiting their needs. Now I might need it also, so I decided to rework it for myself. You can have a look here: khrystube. Goal is to host my own videos […]

Voyage aux Tsingy de Bemahara : la descente de la Tsiribihina

Monday, January 7th, 2008

En septembre/octobre 2007, j’ai pu découvrir une région exceptionnelle du paysage malgache : les Tsingy de Bemahara! Ce sont des formations calcaires à l’Est de l’île rouge. Pour atteindre cette contrée reculée, nous avons choisi de descendre le fleuve Tsiribihina. Le récit est donc découpé en 2 : l’aller, avec la descente de la Tsiribihina […]

Webcounter improvement

Thursday, September 20th, 2007

It’s been a while since I touched it last, but I felt sort of motivated lately. The goal was to make a script that scans through the hits I get, and get the crawlers, spider, etc. automatically (so far, I was doing that by hand), and add those bots to the “unwanted” list I had. […]

New Application Certification Program –

Wednesday, March 21st, 2007

New Application Certification Program – “It Works on My Machine” If you ever coded in an IT company, you probably met adepts of the “if it compiles, ship it !” … here is a way to do so and get certified for it ! The comments are about as good as the article ; I […]

United States Patent: 7028023

Monday, March 19th, 2007

United States Patent: 7028023 You have people who want to patent common practices. And you have morrons to accept the patent. So if you feel like patenting the shithole behind your summer cottage or the handle of Munchen-style beer pints, go ahaead. You might just get it through.

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