28th October 2006

Dirty war

One could think : Israel is just trying to fight some terrorists. They are clean, it’s normal that they attacked Lebanon.

Even if I don’t agree, it is defendable. But what if they are not that clean ? what if they are using weapons that will leave a lasting trace in Lebanese lives ?

In the Haaretz newspaper (Israel), Yaacov Ederi, minister of communication with the Parliament, declared to the Knesset (the parliament), that Tsahal (the army) has been using phosphorus weapons in its war with Lebanon. As you might know, this chemical weapons causes heavy burnings and irreversible damages to your breathing.

In addition, the UN Program for Environment has discovered that places bombed by Tsahal were quite radioactive … It seems that they were using uranium in their bombs …

I wonder why ? from a logical point of view, this was stupid : no radioactivity is able to make the difference between a civilian and a terrorist, and radioactivity takes a long time to “disappear”. It was then a clear attempt of killing Lebanese, with or without political reason. No distinction. This is no war on terrorism. This is dirty war. And leaders should be judged for crimes against humanity.

By the way, where do these bombs come from ? I remember that there was a contract … Weren’t they sold by the USA ?

This entry was posted on Saturday, October 28th, 2006 at 16:47 and is filed under coup de gueule, in English please !. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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