Faux News
Heard about the latest sex scandal in the US involving Mark Foley and minors ? well, the thing is that this guy is a republican congressman. And the republican party likes to put family and morale as a motto. Of course, this didn’t fit, so what can they do ? “Hey man, there are those medias that we own, what if we modified some info ?” Here it is. Take also some time to read the comments. Some are excellent. Like this one :
“That’s no accident. The person responsible for graphics featured onscreen had to physically go into the Foley file and change a pre-existing graphic that had been relied on for years. They don’t just generate those graphics on the fly when they already have preset titles for every politician on file. This change was done in advance of the show under the orders of someone at Fox, and a graphics person made the change.”
Of course, it happens during election campaign period. Of course they say that it’s because he’s gay (hey, what’s the connection with being pedophile ?). Of course they say he was molested by a priest when he was young. No comment.