The letter of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to George W. Bush
Because finally, after an hour of searches over the net, I found it only 3 or 4 times, like in Le Monde and Al Jazirah, and because I prefer to read the text myself rather than other articles about it, I got a copy of the published version (since I couldn’t get the authentic one) on this page.
From a global point of view, I’d say it is well written, and does make sense. He is clever and pays attention to what he writes. But even if I can’t agree with everything he says, I have to admit he sounds right to me upon many topics.
Like some of you already know, it is the first direct contact between the leaders of Iran and USA since 1979. And he doesn’t sound like threatning or alarming, or whatever. He sounds like a peace maker guy (yeah, right), talks like the teacher he is, but never superior, just at the limit, with philosophical and religious ideas. And doing so, he is setting a trap to Bush, who was pretending to be a good Christian, praying often, and making a list of Axis of Evil states.
I’d like your opinion on that one, I think it is an interesting enough debate. Don’t you ?