10th March 2009

Easter island

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Easter Island belongs to Chile and it is located 3600 km west from the mainland, being one of the world’s most isolated inhabited islands.
We had done lots of research regarding the accommodation via internet, as most of it is very expensive on this touristic island. Considered a bed-and-breakfast, home kind of option, but as we could not reach them by phone, chose the most affordable hotel option with a highly recommended restaurant.

Got a paradise island feeling at the airport where along the tropical weather we were welcomed by the hotel with a flower lei. The hotel was very nice and the food delicious, we ate there every evening. Food on the island seems healthy, plenty of fish with salad and vegetables. The only thing that disturbed the paradise feeling were the HUGE cockroaches that ran everywhere in the garden path after dark, and few even in the room, so Netta didn’t sleep so tight.. Poor Chris had to chase one creature for an hour the first night with a tiny flash light as there was a power cut.

The famous moai-statues stand in many different locations guarding Easter Island.
The statues are impressive, and bigger than we had imagined from pictures.
Most of them are approximately 10 meters high. The tallest one is 22 meters.
Really liked them a lot, definitely worth seeing.
The road around the island is 60 kilometers long, so it is possible to explore all of it in just one day. Few days is really enough to see all the sights.
We rented a car the first day and spent plenty of time visiting the statues. We found this better way than taking a guided tour, as we got to stay as long as we wanted and got pictures with no people in front. It is possible to get a private guide of course if you want to pay more. But we didn’t find a need for one.
At the end of the first day we took our first dip in the Pacific ocean in one of the two beaches of the island. The water was warm and the waves cool.
Photos 1st day
The second day we rented bikes and went up a volcano and drove around the part of the island we didn’t do the first day. Last evening we wanted to see a sun set by the beach. The sun set was not nice because of the clouds in front, but instead we saw something really cool. Huge sea turtles came to the shore pushed by the waves. Their shields look like pieces of art.
Photos 2nd day

Last night we dined with a nice american couple we met at the volcano.
We also met an interesting american archeologist who has done lots of research on Easter Island civilization.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 10th, 2009 at 12:47 and is filed under in English please !, news, voyages, worldtrip'09. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 5 responses to “Easter island”

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  1. 1 On March 11th, 2009, Martin said:

    Aika makeeta. Ette sitten menneet niitä kilpikonnia pelastamaan sieltä rantakivistä? Kiitos kortista sieltä pääsiäissaarilta. On teillä mahtava matka. Meidän siirtymisemme lähestyy. Kahden viikon kuluttua 25.3. lähdemme laivalla Saksaan ja sieltä ajamme, parilla yöpymisellä Salernoon. Päivi ehtii olla vajaan viikon kanssani siellä ja palaa Suomeen 3.4. Seuraavan kerran Päivi ja Emppu ja Annika tulevat vapuksi, kun sattuu olemaan pitkä viikonloppu. Lopullisesti Päivi muuttaa sitten kesäkuussa. Saimme vuokrattua asunnon, 80m2, 3 h + keittiö, johon muutamme silloin vappuna. Voitte seurata meidän vaatimatonta blogiamme osoitteessa: paimaronline.blogspot.com
    (Käyttis: ****** Salasana ******.)
    Hyvää jatkoa matkallenne
    Martin ja Päivi

  2. 2 On March 12th, 2009, Maili ja Lauri said:

    Terveiset Tahitille täältä alkukevään pakkasista ja valkoisen lumen kimalluksesta. Kyllä on hienoja kuvia ja hienoa, että matka on onnistunut yli odotusten. Täytyypä yrittää vielä pistäytyä Martinin ja Päivin luona ennen kuin Martin häippäsee “lopullisesti” pastan purijaksi. Hienosti ovat asiat heillä järjestyneet, Onnea sylin täydeltä. Ollaan taasen näkö- ja puheyhteyksissä viikonlopun paikkeilla G-mailissa. Voikaa hyvin ja halauksia tv. kotiväki

  3. 3 On March 14th, 2009, Nea said:

    Hellou! Sorry that I haven’t been commenting for a while. Been busy doing nothing I guess :D So amazing that you got to visit the Easter Islands! One of those places that I would so like to go but sure that never will… Great to hear that our trip has been good so far. And also that there is something that I am not jealous of… hate those cockroaches!! They’re so fast and you can hear them walking from far away. And the worst thing is the slimey thing inside them when you kill one. Yack! SO thank you. Now being surrounded by melting snow is nto all that bad ;) We got some good news this week, once Edu got a scolarship for next year. Sucky that he needs to look for one for every year. But at least now he as one for a bit more. Otherwise the same old same old. Just normal work and cleaning, cooking and dishes. But that is good :D

    Keep enjoying your trip and we are waiting to see you again!!

    Hugs, nea

  4. 4 On March 15th, 2009, Irma said:

    Paljon terveisiä meiltäkin ja kiitokset kaikista näistä mahtavista kokemuksista ja kuvista, joita olemme saaneet seurata. Täällä talveen keskellä elämme ja olemme- ei ole kyllä nyt valittamista mielestäni kyllä täälläkään sillä talvi on ollut kaunis ja ihka oikea talvi. Paloheinässä olen hiihtää hissutellut monta kymmentä kilometriä ja nauttinut eipä sitä tiedä koska taas seuraavan kerran tulee näin hyvää lumitalvea. Mutta täällä on myös ihana päästä mukaan kuvien ja matkakuulumisten kera matkallenne- kiitos !!
    Oikein hyvää matkaa edelleen teille matkanne jatkuu ja uudet kokemukset seuraavat toisiaan. Lämpöisin terveisin Irma ja perhe

  5. 5 On March 23rd, 2009, Netta_Khrys said:

    Hi all!

    Really happy for you that you have proper winter for a change!
    Of course now that we are not there :)
    Sure you’ll have a great summer too.
    Congratulations for Eetu and you Nea too!!
    Little birds sing even if you “forget” to tell yourself.. :)
    So not talking about the birthday yet.

    Hugs from New Zealand, the first impression is really good.

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