20th March 2006

About riots in France

This is my first post in English… I hope I won’t do too many errors…
I do this because some good friends of mine, in Ireland, Sweden or Finland, are not quite ready yet to take a course of French at their local University just to read my website… what a pity, guys ! you miss something ;o)
Unfortunately, it would take quite long to translate the whole site again; sorry if you were interested in previous entries…
Just a small hint about the category : “coup de gueule” is kind of a critic on a hot topic in the news. This means that I usually write it with emotion, generally after reading a few articles about it.

This first post is “About riots in France”, and to start with, I would like to advise this article that sum up my feeling quite well : click here.
One can say: “yes, but it is quite unfair and subject to abuse if you can be fired up to 2 years after you sign your contract, without any reason. It is quite unsecure job then.” Yes, it’s true. But without this kind of contract, you don’t get a job at all… You don’t get experience, you don’t get anything, not even the government’s money for unemployment, since you never worked before. With it, you might be fired after 2 years, but then, at least, you have two years of experience ! And let’s say it happens twice to you. It can’t happen many times: this contract is reserved to young people up to 26 years old. By then, you can build you CV.
I feel quite concerned about it because I would have been happy to have such kind of contract 2 years ago. I just finished my degree in Computer Science, and was looking for a first experience. No company wanted me or my friends : no experience ! “we recruit people with at least two years of exp in our domain”. Yeah right, where am I supposed to get those two stupid first years ?
As a result, I found my very first real programing job 2 years and half after I got my degree. I’m very happy about my work of course (this is not the problem), but I’d like the recent graduated people to find one quicker than that !
I don’t say that this stuff is necessarily the magic and ultimate solution, but it is one that should be tried, since it could work, and anyway, nobody has a better idea…
Like I said to someone here: in France, people in the morning look at the sky, and if it is going to be a sunny day, they go for a strike. Looks like the weather must have been pretty good lately.

This entry was posted on Monday, March 20th, 2006 at 0:14 and is filed under coup de gueule, in English please !. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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