Archive for the 'in English please !' Category

Angry !

Sunday, November 4th, 2007

Finally back online ! I’m terribly sorry for the inconvenience, but my website has been suspended for a week, and there was nothing I could do about it, The website got offline Friday last week. Since it had happened earlier for 1 or 2 days (without any word from my host), I didn’t really think […]

The GCC in 40 videos

Wednesday, October 24th, 2007

Discovered through Yarrow : If you liked it, there are another 40 on YouTube where the author comes more in details with the subject. Go check it !

Gordon Brown, a traitor to the UK ?

Friday, October 19th, 2007

The Sun, among other newspapers in the UK, has published a very hard article about Prime Minister Brown signing the Lisbon treaty. Not that I read that paper often (actually, I went there because it was mentioned somewhere else), it usually is a stack of crap, but it seemed to sum up the thoughts of […]

First snow day in Helsinki …

Friday, October 12th, 2007

… this autumn. But if you ask people here, this wasn’t snow (lumi -> “Ei sataa lunta“). It was räntä (“sleet”, in the UK and Commonwealth countries, but not in the US). Finns are quite precise about the snow, since they have experienced it more than many other countries (yes, it’s an understatement). This one […]

Soeur Sourire – The Singing Nun

Sunday, October 7th, 2007

There are things better forgotten. And others that aren’t explainable. A Finnish friend of mine had me listen to “some French song” because he obviously didn’t get the lyrics. I had no clue what kind of music it would be, and when he told me that the title was “Dominique”, I was a bit scared […]

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