Archive for the 'Finlande' Category

La Finlande, 292 points !

Sunday, May 21st, 2006

They did it ! Click on the pix to watch the video.

Vote Lordi !

Wednesday, May 10th, 2006

In the Eurovision contest, it usually goes the stupid way : some crap band playing easy-listening music with meaningless lyrics wins in a commercial show hosted by old-fashionned people … yes, that one, you got it. Well, this year, one band, from Finland, understanding the deep non-interest of this event, decided to participate with all […]


Tuesday, April 18th, 2006

Bon appetit ! (see article in English below the French translation ; voir l’article en Francais sous les images)

Delice de Paques (Easter Delight, in French)

Tuesday, April 18th, 2006

Bon, en Francais maintenant. J’ai passe le weekend de Paques chez la famille de ma copine. Et comme partout, le dimanche, c’est les oeufs en chocolat a chercher dans toute la maison (pas encore dans le jardin, il y a de la neige, et la derniere fois, il a fallu attendre la fonte pour trouver […]

Easter delight

Tuesday, April 18th, 2006

I survived ! For Easter, we went to my girlfriend family. And traditionnaly, on top of the usual chocolate eggs, they have a special thing called Mämmi. Mämmi, it’s not a family member, it’s a kind of black creamy cake, looking like a chocolate mousse. So far, so good. You hurry to the table, and […]

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