Funny test. I usually don’t do any, but this one sounded good. I found the results not too bad, even if a few things are perhaps not exactly like it says … you can review my results there
posted in in English please !, news |
I strongly encourage you to read this article. It’s not fresh, but it might help you make your opinion on the topic.
They have another very interesting one there, about American imperialism and the reasons of going to war …
Have fun !
posted in coup de gueule, in English please ! |
For those of you who didn’t see it yet, there is this amazing one :
Wafa Sultan in an interview on Al-Jazeera
Et avec des sous-titres en Francais :
Wafa Sultan dans une interview sur Al-Jazeera
Enjoy !
about Wafa Sultan (Wikipedia)
posted in coup de gueule, in English please ! |
Thanks to /dev/random website, I discovered this article from an American teacher : Learning to Be Stupid in the Culture of Cash, by Luciana Bohne. You might understand a thing or two. And what scares me the most : it’s not because it happens there that it doesn’t happen in other countries.
Grace au site /dev/random, je vous invite a decouvrir ce texte, traduction d’un “coup de gueule” d’une enseignante Americaine : L’apprentissage de l’imbécillité dans la culture de l’argent, par Luciana Bohne. Et ce qui me fait le plus peur, c’est que peut-etre bien que les Etats-Unis ne sont pas les seuls a appliquer ce genre de methode.
posted in coup de gueule, in English please ! |
For those of you who might go to or through the UK by plane, here is an article of some interest : http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/4778615.stm.
To sum up, if you get there, you can’t take any hand luggage, what you might carry has to be X-Ray, you’ll be asked to remove your shoes (X-Ray too) and hand searched.
Best parts : “For those travelling with an infant: baby food, milk (the contents of each bottle must be tasted by the accompanying passenger) and sanitary items sufficient and essential for the flight (nappies, wipes, creams and nappy disposal bags)”.
Jackpot for those travelling to the USA :
“In addition to the above, all passengers boarding flights to the USA and all the items they are carrying, including those acquired after the central screening point, must be subjected to secondary search at the boarding gate.”
Welcome in the UK !
By the way, don’t forget to shave : if you look like a terrorist (as if they had a special look), UK police has the right to keep you as a prisonner for an unlimited time. Enjoy !
Edit: a friend of mine made this prediction : “soon, they will ask people to wear some kind of white overall with the number of your filght, and some slippers for the security check, and people’s clothes will be in their luggages. And all luggages will go with a different and totally automated flight”.
posted in coup de gueule, in English please ! |