RIAA: we love fair use. No, really!
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For Evangelicals, Supporting Israel Is ‘God’s Foreign Policy’ – New York Times
When I read this article, I thought, it cannot be true … people can’t be stupid enough to believe in this asshole’s speech … or can they ?
There are few parts that are really funny :
“At a dinner addressed by the Israeli ambassador, a handful of Republican senators and the chairman of the Republican Party, Mr. Hagee read greetings from President Bush and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel and dispatched the crowd with a message for their representatives in Congress. Tell them “to let Israel do their job†of destroying the Lebanese militia, Hezbollah, Mr. Hagee said.”
I didn’t know anybody from Christian religion could ask for more innocent to die, a whole country to be destroyed, just because of a group. And on top of that, it’s all question of viewpoint. Some call them terrorists, some call them resistants. The name that remain in history always depends on the winner anyway.
“He called the conflict “a battle between good and evil†and said support for Israel was “God’s foreign policy.†” I didn’t know God was doing any politics … and I’m quite certain again that he wouldn’t have supported the bombing of the international peace keepers building in Beyrouth, leave thousands of mines and other radioactive presents …
“For one thing, white evangelicals make up about a quarter of the electorate.” Damn, that’s quite a lot of people who can’t read a Bible properly … perhaps they should be told to turn it the other way around, it will be easier to read !
I will also pass on the comparing of Iran’s leader Ahmadinejad with Hitler, that I found outrageous and repetitive. It seems to be a fashion lately to call anybody you don’t like a Hitler. I even read an article lately about that Israel’s government guy saying that Iran should be judged for genocide and crimes against humanity. I guess he forgot how many people his country has killed in both Palestinian territories and Lebanon …
“Mr. Hagee compared the Iranian leader with the biblical pharaoh of Egypt. “Pharaoh threatened Israel and he ended up fish food,†Mr. Hagee said, to great applause.”
This one is a pearl. But if Mr Hagee is true, then we should just leave it to God, he will deal with it by himself, like with Pharaoh … Or will he compare Moses and … Ehoud Olmert ? And it seems to me that Moses was trying to get a land for his people. That is exactly what Palestinians are trying to do.
“Dr. Dobson read a statement on his popular radio program expressing “heartache†at the civilian casualties but comparing Israel’s fight to “the Biblical skirmish between little David and mighty Goliath.†He explained, “There sits little Israel with its five million beleaguered Jews, surrounded by five hundred million Muslims whose leaders are determined to drive it into the sea.†”
I guess it doesn’t matter if Israel’s army comes all the modern weapons and equipment, Palestinian and Hezbollah ‘terrorists’ have, at max, rocket launchers … and most of the time, it is the local population fighting with stones against the tanks …
“Mr. Eckstein said he had discovered the depth of that support when he ran television commercials on the Fox News Channel seeking donations. The response, mainly from evangelicals, “burned out the call centers,†Mr. Eckstein said. During the five-week war, his group added 30,000 new donors. Thanks to the influx of money, he said his organization has exceeded its income from the first 10 months of last year by 60 percent, putting it on track to pull in $80 million this year. “The war really generated a momentum,†Mr. Eckstein said. ”
So here is where it comes to … curiously, they don’t say how the money is spent. I heard some people got rich in the process.
” “They began by saying they had to take a hard line, by saying they would support Israel and they ended up urging them to compromise and go home,†Dr. Dobson said. “All that is going to do is allow everybody to reload. That didn’t solve anything.†(Mr. Hagee said that he believed the administration gave Israel “ample time†but that Israel erred by not “unleashing the full might of its ground troops†until it was too late.) ”
And what if it was useless to wage war in the first place ? It obviously didn’t solve anything, and I’m quite sure that they knew it before they went.
I’ll pass on the alliance made between those Evangelicals and governments of USA and Israel. After all, it’s not like it could be taken as a crusade, or could it ?
” “Israel — to walk where Jesus walked, to pray where Jesus prayed, to stand where he stood — there is no other place like it on earth,†Mr. Robertson says in the commercial, according to the Jerusalem Post. ”
Ever realized that Muslims would like to be able to walk where their Prophet walked ?
Tsss, one thing is for sure, they don’t and they won’t make the world a better one …
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As mentioned in the last Update post, there was some work to do. Here is what I’ve done since then :
– I’ve contacted Askimet team to ask them where is best to write simple code and output spam IP’s list. No answer so far, I guess I’ll have to do it by myself.
– Customized spam,bot and “own hit” lists ! now, each user can have its own, private list and update it online.
– New graphic available : search engine’s keywords. How did your visitors come to your site ? I found it quite useful, but not easy to do. Parsing differs depending on the search engine, so I support only 5 so far : Google, Google Image, MSN, Live.com, Yahoo.
– Corrected bugs in other graphics.
Still to do : screenshots and documentation …
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The more I think about it, the more I’m scared. It’s just too big, too easy. And we don’t see it.
What if all this terrorism stuff was just a scam. What if it was just a pretext, a reason, even a mean to get where They wanted to. Maybe They just made it up. One might say : “but what about the 9/11 ? that happened for real!”
What if They just made it happen. There are no proof that the culprits were Arabic. It is just what They gave as a fact. There are no proof of that I believe. And even worse, it could have been Arabic people, but secretly financed/backed up by Them. More likely, They knew that something bad would happen, but they didn’t do anything against it, because it’s part of Their plan. I say, about all this story, where are the profits going to ?
Since then, America has declared war to Afghanistan and Iraq. There has never been any reason to go to Iraq, but because nobody can tell them : “you can’t do that” with actual mean to enforce it, they went. And about Afghanistan, there starts to be some doubts also. It’s just too convenient. Say they wanted to go there, what better way than to have all the planet looking at you after a terrible event with a sad eye “Oh poor them, we need to help them fight the bad terrorists” ? And not just that.
Since then, what else has changed ? security. All kind of security. In the airports, no way to fly from a place to another without being controlled so much that you feel like a terrorist yourself. You can’t even bring your own water with you nowadays, you have to buy it from the airport (that’s funny, isn’t it?). Another flight security tightening has happened also here in Europe. In the EU, one of the best things, is that you can travel around with just your ID card. Nowadays, it’s only if you cross the frontier by other means. It is no longer a fact with planes.
In the USA (and quite probably in some other countries), the government can listen to your calls, ask journalists about their sources, torture starts to be reintroduced in the law (not that they weren’t doing it before anyway, but at least, it wouldn’t need to be a secret anymore, avoiding annoying and time consuming court issues), etc. In the UK, if you “look like” a terrorist, you can be kept by the police as long as they want, and their police has ordered drones for 2010 to fly over the city to keep an eye on the population in the streets.
Finally, while supporting what they think is democracy, many people are actually supporting a growing authoritarianism’s. Many people I talk security with, answered : “Well, I don’t care, I don’t have anything to hide.” Sure, with such reaction, authoritarianism won’t have to much work to do ! Ever heard about privacy ? The more you go with security, the less you have privacy. How long are we going to accept that most of our emails are read/scanned before they are delivered ? Democracy isn’t just about freely choosing leaders. It’s also about freedom. If my freedom is limited, not by other people’s, but “for my own security”, then I’m not longer living in a democracy.
And for those who think : “but I can still choose who I want to be my leader !”, I’d answer : “can you really ? do you really ?”. I personally have strong doubts about the way the last presidential elections went in the USA. That, at the end, everything was depending on Florida results, and Florida was suddenly so slow to give them, or that Florida governor was the brother of the candidate … I’m also quite suspicious about the way it went in France : there was suddenly so many candidates from the left wing, and everything was made for people to be uninterested about the vote. As a result, those who wanted to make a strong statement, either against the usual two main parties, or for extremist ideas (and also because security was the strongest point of the campaign), and who voted for the far-right, represented suddenly more people than the main left wing party. It was then so easy for the main right wing party to win over the second round.
And anyway, when you choose between two candidates, is it still democracy ?
I’d add that it is not the proper of democracy to go to war. It’s usely stronger form of government’s, like dictatorships. But funnily enough, it hasn’t been Iraq declaring war … You would think also that democracies should support democracies in other countries. But USA has been official sponsor of most of South American dictators. UK and France have been supporting dictatorships in Africa. The world’s democracies have been guilty of just closing their eyes. And even lately, in Palestinian territories, when people democratically (or as close to it as it can get there) chose Hamas to lead them, other democracies condemn them for doing so. It seems like Palestinian leaders should be democratically elected by USA and EU leaders, like Iraq’s leader has been democratically elected by Bush.
So what’s gonna happen now ? Police will get more power, more troops. It’s happening already, in the USA, in the UK, in France, in Germany, in Italy, etc. Agencies like CIA will get more power too. Informations that were so far spread in different places will get centralized. And more and more, our freedom of speech will be reduced. We criticize now Russia for their lack of it. I think they are just faster with it.
I know I’m quite negative today, but this story is not that hard to believe. Just look around you. It might just be there. Have a good day.
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Israel’s ambassador Daniel Shek has been convoked this morning to the French Foreign Affairs ministry, to discuss about Lebanon, where situation has worsen between Israeli planes and French FINUL forces. The convocation has come from both ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs. This happens after the latest case where French troops were more than willing to shoot down Israeli’s planes flying over them. Israeli’s army affirms not knowing anything about this case.
Let’s see, if a plane gets shot down, if they hear about the case. Let’s hope it won’t go this far though.
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