Energy Project – Our Technology | Steorn
Tuesday, August 29th, 2006Our Technology | Steorn Sounds good. Just hope it’s not an hoax or something. It could change the world a lot :)
Our Technology | Steorn Sounds good. Just hope it’s not an hoax or something. It could change the world a lot :)
J’ai une idee pour Israel : demilitariser la region. Et ca inclut la Syrie, le Liban, la Palestine ET Israel. Les derniers etant les plus dangereux, il devra etre scrupuleusement inspecte, et occupe par les troupes de l’ONU. Ca leur donnera une idee du concept “je vous envahi pour votre bien”. Tant qu’a faire, en […]
After the success of the Swedish Piratpartiet, the French hoist the Jolly Roger, to fight the more than unfair copyright laws. It is called “Parti Pirate Francais”, and is lead by a math university teacher called HPK. You’ll find a English and a Spanish translation. Apres le succes du Parti Pirate Suedois PiratPartiet, les Francais […]
You’re looking for good games ? free games that you don’t have to download anything ? what about web-browser based games ? Since I played a few, I decided to make a review of them. Trying them is the best to make oneself’s opinion, but if you don’t have the time or the patience to […]
In the Eurovision contest, it usually goes the stupid way : some crap band playing easy-listening music with meaningless lyrics wins in a commercial show hosted by old-fashionned people … yes, that one, you got it. Well, this year, one band, from Finland, understanding the deep non-interest of this event, decided to participate with all […]