Je n’ai pas encore lu toutes ses pages, mais celle-ci est assez interessante : Rachid Nekaz
Il y a aussi 3 bandes son sur Le Monde.
Je vous ferai savoir ce que j’en pense des que j’aurai tout lu :)
Je ne sais pas pour vous, mais comme je ne compte pas voter pour un des deux gros partis au premier tour (et que je ne voterai pas pour les extremes, cela va de soi), je commence a regarder ailleurs. Il y a egalement le petit Parti Pirate dont j’essaie de suivre l’evolution. Cependant, aux dernieres nouvelles, leur parti ne propose personne. Il agit juste pour faire perdre, saboter en quelque sorte, un candidat, aux vues de ses declarations. Si j’apprecie la demarche et les idees exposees sur leur site, je ne peux m’empecher de penser : on critique encore, mais on ne se mouille pas de trop. Esperons que ca change !
posted in politique |
One could think : Israel is just trying to fight some terrorists. They are clean, it’s normal that they attacked Lebanon.
Even if I don’t agree, it is defendable. But what if they are not that clean ? what if they are using weapons that will leave a lasting trace in Lebanese lives ?
In the Haaretz newspaper (Israel), Yaacov Ederi, minister of communication with the Parliament, declared to the Knesset (the parliament), that Tsahal (the army) has been using phosphorus weapons in its war with Lebanon. As you might know, this chemical weapons causes heavy burnings and irreversible damages to your breathing.
In addition, the UN Program for Environment has discovered that places bombed by Tsahal were quite radioactive … It seems that they were using uranium in their bombs …
I wonder why ? from a logical point of view, this was stupid : no radioactivity is able to make the difference between a civilian and a terrorist, and radioactivity takes a long time to “disappear”. It was then a clear attempt of killing Lebanese, with or without political reason. No distinction. This is no war on terrorism. This is dirty war. And leaders should be judged for crimes against humanity.
By the way, where do these bombs come from ? I remember that there was a contract … Weren’t they sold by the USA ?
posted in coup de gueule, in English please ! |
There’s been some fun talk lately between the Finul (international forces in Lebanon, lead by France) and Israel, concerning the continuous incursion of Israeli airplanes over Lebanese soil. The French general there, Alain Pellegrini, said that he would ask the UN to give the Finul authorisation to shoot these planes, for they are dangerous both for his men and for the population. Especially because Hezbollah could take it as a excuse to hit back.
French Defense minister Mme Alliot-Marie confirmed the situation, and qualified those filghts as “extremely dangerous, and felt as hostile by part of the international forces who might shoot for self-defense. This would obviously be a very serious incident”.
Israel defense minister Mr Peretz answered that some reports were showing increasing efforts of Hezbollah in getting more weapons, and that as a result, his country has the right to perform air misions. “As long as 1701 resolution isn’t respected by Hezbollah, Israel will have the right to do so”. According to him, “Finul forces have, as a mission, to act against Hezbollah, not Israel”, and that “the most important aim of the Finul mission is Israel security”.
I’d like somebody to ask him : “Sir Peretz, and what about Lebanon security ?”. After all, the most dangerous of the two, isn’t the one he would like us to think.
posted in coup de gueule, in English please ! |
Sorry, the article about it is in French, in Le Monde : click here. I’ll try to explain in English for those who can’t read it :)
Cet article paru dans Le Monde est dispo ici.
Italian company Novamont, has created several kinds of bio-plastic in the last few years, and its success makes it grow bigger with the time. What’s bio-plastic ? Plastic is usually made from petrol. Novamont uses natural oil like sunflower’s and corn’s, to produce disposable plastic tools, like bags, packing, films of mulching for agriculture, nappies, goblets and disposable forks and spoons, soluble cotton buds, etc. Perhaps even tyres, since they teamed up with Goodyear. They are renewable, recyclable, reusable, biodegradable and “compostables”.
Not only that, but also Italy, like France or many other country in the EU, is producing too much agricultural goods and the EU regulations blocks it. 800,000 hectares of cultures are considered to be in “overproduction”, just in Italy. Novamont has teamed up with local farmers, so that going-to-waste production still finds a good application, making everybody happy (50-50 deal). If they could get all of it, they’d be able to produce 1.5 million tons of bio-plastic.
A factory in France has already been opened, as a result of the success encountered, but according to Catia Bastioli, director of Novamont, the ideal would be to create many many small factories, close to sell points, to avoid unnecessary and expensive transport, rather than big production centres, the main issue of those bio-plastic products being the cost.
Have a good day !
posted in idées, in English please ! |